Thursday 12 November 2015

Etching by LUIGI GUIDOTTI, Kupferstich, 1625, Kupferstich Cabinet, BERLIN.

 This etching shows a violent depiction by Guidotti which shows the patient seated below the Dentist.


It is not difficult to conceive of this as a double operation------ The epilation of the patient's long locks and the extirpation of his Molars.

Apparently the most effective and comfortable position assumed by the dentist at that time was above and behind the patient. This afforded the dentist maximum leverage, with the available instruments, in the contest of strength between him and the erring tooth.

Today, many edentulous individuals give a history of neglected gingival inflammation with consequent gum recession inflicting the loss of all the teeth.

The successful treatment of gingival inflammation, bleeding gingivae and other periodontal conditions that result in gum recession and loss of teeth, depends not only upon the removal of all calculus or other operations, but also upon the adjunctive cooperation of the patient at home.

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