Friday, 10 July 2015


This fiddle bow drill is significant of an early effort to repair and save the carious teeth. Prior to this, most teeth that had become painfully decayed were usually removed.

Dentists today are extending all their ingenuity and skill to save the natural teeth from tooth loosening periodontal disease. This condition with its concomitant gingival inflammation, condemns more good teeth to oblivion than any other cause.


  1. Dear Dr. Songco,
    I apologize to bother with a question. Could You, perhaps, tell us the origin of the image of Fauchard's drill on Your blog? It differs from the drill in Fauchard's book, but it is very similar to a simple dental drill in our museum collections, which we have trouble identifying.

    With many thanks sincerely Yours,
    Simon Krysl

    Head, National Medical Library Medical Museum
    Sokolska 54
    12132 Praha 2 Czech Republic
