Friday, 10 July 2015

"That MONA LISA Smile"


Perhaps one of the most famous paintings of all time was done by Leonardo Da Vinci in about 1502. Many people think that the identity of the subject is uncertain, however, it is generally believed to be MONA GHERADINI, born 1479, married in 1495 to FRANCESCO di ZANOBI del GIOCONDO of Florence.

The enigmatic expression of the face and the haunting background have endowed the painting with the air of provocative mystery that has endured through four centuries. Most art analysts say that the Mona Lisa's unfathomable expression is due to the arrangement of her eyes, and more than anything else, to her smile that seems to portray a sophisticated knowledge of all the world.

The eyes on this portrait are denuded of any semblance of eyebrows or lashes, a condition which produces an unusual and abnormal expression. The tight lipped smile resembles the habitual expression of one who is embarrassingly trying not to reveal the poor dental condition of the mouth.

Did she or didn't she? Is it possible that- like almost everyone in the 16th century, Mona Lisa had bad teeth or might even have been snaggle toothed or completely edentulous?

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